You smiled at me when everyone scorned,
You sang with me, when I was out of tune.
When I had no rhythm, you taught me to dance,
When I erred, you gave me another chance.
While I walked on, you took your turns to join me,
I can never be lonely, all the way you reminded me.
Braving the downpour, sheltering me from the sun,
We all would walk, skip, glide and sometimes run.
Some of us changed paths, but in my heart you will always remain,
I shall treasure our memories, for nothing they will ever be bargained.
Because you touched my tears, and turned them into pearls of joy,
You always stood by me, and never asked how or why.
Words are all I have to thank you, and even they fall short,
For inducting me in your life, and for crossing my path.
You shall always be a part of me, wherever I go,
This candle shall always burn, no matter how much the wind blows.