Saturday, November 27, 2010

Songs of the Night

Sitting by my window, I watch as the darkness deepens,
Rejoicing the dawn of stillness, when everyone has drawn the curtains.
With no being stirring, this silence I dare not tease,
Drenched in my blissful solitude, with not a soul to please.

Losing what the day had brought, I converse with my dreams and designs,
Shedding others’ hopes and plans, left with only what is mine.
The wind makes me a promise, to carry me to my haven,
To take me to lands unseen, to attain all that I have craven.

Staring steadily out the door, I continue to be seduced by the dark
Learning about the joy of muteness, and the charm of the stark.
What a shame it is to sleep, and to wake up to the light,
Not to hear the unsung melody, and miss the songs of the night.


debkumar said...

Excellent.Very well written.Lovely piece of poetry.

Unknown said...

beautiful bithi!!!!!

Unknown said...

beautiful bithi!!!!!